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@KTzone » 歌詞庫 » Lady GaGa Lady GaGa » 超人氣 (The Fame) » Starstruck - Feat. Space Cowboy And Flo Rida (懼星症)

歌 手: Lady GaGa (Lady GaGa)

歌 曲: Starstruck - Feat. Space Cowboy And Flo Rida (懼星症) (專 輯:超人氣 (The Fame))

上傳會員: ntt123

日 期: 2009 - 1

歌 詞
groove, slam, work it back
filter that, baby bump that track
groove, slam, work it back
space cowboy, just play that track
gaga in the room, so starstruck
cherry-cherry-cherry-cherry boom boom

rollin' out to the club on the weekend
stylin' out to the beat that you're freakin'
fantasize on the track that you're tweakin'
blow my heart up
put your hands on my waist, pull the fader
run it back with the original flavor
queue me up, I'm the twelve on your table
I'm so starstruck

I'm so starstruck-struck
baby, could you blow my heart up
I'm so starstruck
baby, could you blow my heart up
I'm so starstruck
baby, could you blow my heart up
I'm so starstruck
baby, could you blow my heart up

baby now that we're alone, got a request
would you make me number one on your playlist
got your dirty headphone with the left side on
when you scratch back and forth, back and forth uh-huh
put your hands on my waist, pull the fader
run it back with the original flavor
put the beat down first
hoppin' from the chorus to the verse
(frika frika reverse)

I'm so starstruck-struck
baby, could you blow my heart up
I'm so starstruck
baby, could you blow my heart up
I'm so starstruck
baby, could you blow my heart up
I'm so starstruck
baby, could you blow my heart up

hey, and I'm all like really really is that him
I haven't seen you before and she got all them big rims
into that cash flow, I'm a fan of you, don't trip
should shawty say hand over you signature right here
like a, just a dotted line and I'm supposed to sign
how she add it up fanatic, and I think it's goin' down
she so starstruck, the gal all stuck
I shoulda had an overdose, to many starbucks
ain't never seen a baller, paper that's stack taller
stunna soon let the top back on their chevy impalas
hummers and all that fully loaded with two spoilers
what do you call that when you're shawty with two daughters
but that's another chapter, slow lover bachelor
I don't know me, that's part of the baby actor
complete swagger, there go the dagger
got what she want, shawty happily ever after

I'm so starstruck-struck
baby, could you blow my heart up
I'm so starstruck
baby, could you blow my heart up
I'm so starstruck
baby, could you blow my heart up
I'm so starstruck
baby, could you blow my heart up

groove, slam, work it back
filter that, baby bump that track
groove, slam, work it back
(filter that) baby bump that track

baby now that we're alone, got a request
would you make me number one on your playlist
got your dirty headphone with the left side on
when you scratch back and forth back and forth uh-huh
put your hands on my waist pull the fader
run it back with the original flavor
put the beat down first
hoppin' from the chorus to the verse
(I'm so, I'm so)

baby, could you blow my heart up
I'm so starstruck
baby, could you blow my heart up
I'm so starstruck
baby, could you blow my heart up
I'm so starstruck
baby, could you blow my heart up

I'm so (2x)

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